Cloud technology

Microsoft cloud technologies 

So much can be achieved when you put good teams together. Skaylink’s Microsoft Power House has provided expertise and services to realize innovative and scalable solutions for more than 700 customers.

Innovation meets collaboration

Transform your organization with Microsoft – Skaylink expertly applies the Microsoft toolkit to drive growth and streamline the business with implementation, seamless integration and outstanding performance.

Skaylink’s Microsoft expertise

Skaylink is proud to be a Microsoft Premium Partner, covering their entire technology landscape. Together, we take our clients on transformative journeys – combining the power of Azure with the flexibility of Modern Workplace and other Microsoft tools.

Like Skaylink, Microsoft is deeply committed to excellence in service delivery and support – focusing on creating cutting-edge solutions and delivering on expectations.

Migrate and modernize with a powerful new Azure cloud

Azure cloud

With more than 25 years of Microsoft experience, Skaylink’s hundred-strong team of Azure experts are well-versed in best practices – applying the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) for optimal results.

Empower your workforce with Microsoft Modern Workplace

Microsoft Modern Workplace

Technological advancement and societal changes have led to a transformational shift in the way we work. Organizations today demand flexibility – employees must be able to work from anywhere, seamlessly, and securely, as if in the same location.

Give your organization superpowers

Microsoft Power Platform 

Eager to transform your organization with innovative technology? Want to give your people all the tools they need to maximize efficiency and creativity? The Microsoft Power Platform on Azure could be just what you’re looking for.

Real cloud expertise shown through 700+ successful cloud projects

We have provided our expertise and services to realize innovative and scalable solutions for more than 700 customers.

Our expertise covers all aspects of a modern cloud setup:


Achieve Microsoft excellence with Skaylink

Skaylink is a Microsoft Premium Partner, specialized in realizing the full capabilities of Microsoft Azure cloud technologies for our clients.

No matter whether you’re looking to enhance an existing cloud setup or take your cloud integration and collaboration capabilities to the next level – our Azure experts are ready to put the work in and see your organization thrive.

Speak to our experts today.